Each item is designed, handmade, and engraved by Laoise, in Galway, on the West Coast of Ireland.
I wanted to create a way for you to extend the enjoyment of your Signature Envelope Necklace as you collected new memories over time...
Through our conversations, I have learned of specific things that you would like, and I have really enjoyed being able to delivery on your requests. These insights have proved invaluable and have actually lead to the creation of, what are now, some of the core collection pieces.
I'm delighted to say that, again, as a result of your requests and feedback, I am introducing the latest By Leahy addition – the Signature Slip...
He bought her flowers for Valentine's Day. He wrote in the card, 'I like you'...
A year later they were dating. He bought her flowers for Valentine’s Day. He wrote in the card, ‘I still like you’...
Gold is a valuable metal which is why it holds generational value in jewellery and is often referred to as 'heirloom' jewellery.
Solid gold jewellery is an investment that you will be able to enjoy for life, even generations, so before you make a purchase it is worthwhile to inform yourself about the different options of gold available and what official markings to look for in your investment pieces.
To “assay” means to test a metal or ore to determine its purity and quality. That is the core function of the Dublin Assay Office, nestled away on the grounds of our iconic Dublin Castle.
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