For her daughter, in time...

Gala recently got in touch through Facebook with a question about the Signature Envelope Necklace. Aware that I could engrave a handwritten note, she wondered if I could also engrave a drawing. Always up for a challenge, I asked her to send through the picture so I could better advise. What came through was a sweet little drawing of a fox, created by her 8 year old daughter, Isla – her daughter’s favourite animal.

But there was more to the story... 

"I have an antique charm bracelet from my grandmother that has many beautiful charms. In looking to add one of my own, I stumbled across envelope charms and thought they were so lovely.

I am so delighted to be able to get one that is customizable!! I will wear the envelope as regular jewelry (which will delight my daughter), and plan to add it to the charm bracelet eventually when I pass it down to her. 

This will really be a treasured piece - and I look forward to adding slips with special memories going forward!".

Gala's daughter hand-wrote her name, 
which was engraved on the inner Slip of the Signature Envelope Necklace, with her drawing of the fox engraved on the reverse. It is the first engraving of a drawing that I had the pleasure of making. 

"The necklace arrived yesterday and I am in love! It is exactly what I wanted and is so special to me. I showed it to my daughter who was so delighted to see her little fox and signature on the slip. It is a true delight! Thank you so much - I will treasure wearing it." - Gala 

Thank you Gala, for choosing By Leahy to add to your special family heirloom.

Bespoke Signature Envelope Necklace Daughter's Handwritten Name     Bespoke Signature Envelope Necklace Daughter's Name Handwritten 9ct gold engraving

Above, Isla's signature engraved on one side of the inner Slip.
Below, Isla's sweet drawing of a fox - her favourite animal - engraved on the reverse.

By Leahy Bespoke Signature Envelope Necklace hand-drawn fox picture in 9ct gold     Bespoke Signature Envelope Necklace Daughter's Fox Sketch 9ct gold

Explore more of the Bespoke Signature Envelope Necklace, here.

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