GPS Coordinates of a very special location…

The story behind this particular Signature Envelope Necklace is especially thoughtful and creative… the GPS coordinates of a very special location. 

Irene shared this with me… ‘It’s for my best friend that’s turning 50. She lives in New York and I am going over to see her. We grew up next door and there was a gate between the gardens where we used to call in to play. The coordinates are for there.’
Bespoke Signature Envelope Necklace GPS Coordinates

I’ve smudged out the detail of the coordinates but the finished piece turned out beautifully. I initially thought the entire detail wouldn’t fit due to its length but we chose a different font that actually suited the coordinates really well, and we managed to fit every little detail.

Thanks, Irene, for choosing By Leahy and for sharing the story behind your choice of engraving… what a sweet memory to be reminded of.



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