Some Exciting News…
Friday, the 18th of February 2022 marked the first day of taking By Leahy to the next level.
Some of you may know that the brand began as a hobby back in 2019 while working full time in the tech industry. Friday was my last day with MyWallSt after nearly six years with the brand. It was a fantastic period, made more enjoyable by the great team that Emmet and John had built up.
However, I am beyond excited about what's next...
In the past three years, By Leahy, Fine Jewellery has grown in ways I couldn't have imagined. The early mornings, late evenings, and weekends spent doing something I love - designing and making fine jewellery and growing a brand - have taken it well outside hobby status. Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way - my friends, family, customers, the Irish press & journalists (Klara Heron, Irish Country Magazine, Aislinn Coffey, THE GLOSS MAGAZINE, Mary Cate Smith, Business Post, Marie Kelly and IMAGE Magazine, Everymum, Sunday Independent, Ruth O’Connor, The Examiner), and especially my husband, William.
Keep an eye out here and on social media for brand updates. 2022 has kicked off by being accepted onto the incredibly competitive Going for Growth Programme, which is helping to build the best foundation for the brand. By Leahy has also been accepted into the Crafting Europe Program and the Council of Irish Fashion Designers and continues to be very well supported by the Design & Crafts Council Ireland.
New stockists are coming on board, so keep an eye out for more details (and let me know if you’d like to see By Leahy stocked in a beautiful retailer near you). Lastly, some much-requested products will be launching in the coming months.
I'm still pinching myself that I’ve gotten to this stage with By Leahy, and it’s all thanks to the support and encouragement I’ve received along the way. Happy Days indeed…
Thank you,
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